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Don’t Wait for Prime Day. Learn an Instrument Online for a Discount Now Through October 12th.

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Sometimes, entrepreneurs need reminding that life is about more than just work. You need to make time for your hobbies and for giving yourself mental and physical exercise. Doing so will actually make you more productive and better able to focus on your day job.

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So, if you’ve been feeling like there’s something missing from your life recently, maybe it’s time you finally tried to learn an instrument. During our Deal Days promotion, our version of Prime Day, you can get a big discount on The 2022 Complete Piano & Guitar For All Music Composition Bundle, a comprehensive guide to learning the guitar and piano online.

This bundle includes eight courses from music instructors Robin Hall (5/5-star instructor rating), Dan Dresnok (5/5-star rating), and Jack Vaughn (5/5-star rating). Each of these instructors has extensive composition and performance experience, which they bring to their courses to help you learn to play quickly.

The bundle is highlighted by Hall’s best-selling piano teaching method, Pianoforall, that enables beginners to play rhythm-style piano fast. Through the other courses, you’ll explore playing different types of music, from bluegrass to jazz to rock, on both piano and the guitar. You’ll also get an introduction to music theory, learn the basic chords and notes, and develop your musical ability through hands-on learning.

As you progress, you’ll delve into arranging and composing music. You’ll be able to deconstruct your favorite music and emulate it, increase your fluency in identifying musical patterns, and work towards composing your own music and developing your own musical style. It’s a comprehensive platform to build a strong musical foundation.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn an instrument, here’s your chance. The Piano & Guitar For All Music Composition Bundle is on sale for just $29.99 (reg. $1,600) until October 12 for Deal Days.

Prices subject to change.

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