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How Success Happened for Visionary WundaBar Pilates Founder Amy Jordan

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Amy Jordan has a mantra that helped her become a visionary pilates entrepreneur, inventor, and a guiding force in wellness: “I sincerely believe movement heals and it is essential for us to live a vibrant life.” The proud mother of two has become a household name in fitness over the last decade as she built WundaBar Pilates into a multi-million dollar company and has worked with celebrities such as Jessica Biel and Emma Roberts.

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Evolution of an idea

With studio locations in CA, NYC, and NJ, Jordan is determined to bring the future of movement worldwide with her online fitness program, Wunda-on-Demand. Amy has designed and coordinated a wide variety of WundaBar workouts that stream on the platform. The streaming service translates the in-studio experience on the WundaFormer to an online 30-minute workout with wellness programs and motivation worksheets. With a thriving digital audience that spans around the globe, it provides Live workouts that interact with a team of talented educators that is accessible with a $9.99 monthly subscription. Amy is also bringing movement to the masses on YouTube, offering several free workouts so that anyone with a smartphone can start moving. Thinking you can’t move? Amy says, “Start with some simple breathing exercises and you can go from there.”

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Amy feels that she can now share “Movement” with anyone who wants to join in! Amy’s belief that movement heals and is essential can be seen through her dedication and success as a pilates educator. She continues to push boundaries and helps thousands live better from the inside out with her innovative workouts.

Just keep moving

As the pandemic hit, no one could have predicted the events of the past 2 years. WundaBar was already a multi-million dollar business and suddenly was on pause. Their offices in LA and NY faced shutdowns, based in highly restricted cities, and Wunda’s team worked tirelessly to connect with their clients worldwide on Zoom and Wunda-on-Demand. Life changed as we all knew it… we are still living in uncertain times with how we live, whether we should return to the office, finances and most importantly, how we should manage our health. “Movement heals! It is an essential part of life. Our bodies are machines that thrive on movement and breath. My life’s work is to help everyone feel amazing in their own skin,” says Amy.

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Along with juggling her career and COVID-19, Amy was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cervical cancer. Amy’s focus has always been on others’ health and now by helping others heal through movement, she found a way back to health for herself. “I approached healing my body with the same drive that I had to build my business. And of course, I had an incredible tribe who lifted me up through this journey. Here are some of Amy’s tips:

  • Set your vision
  • Surround yourself with those that support you
  • Collaborate/Network
  • Don’t give up! Redirect the unexpected
  • Celebrate success

Next steps

Amy Jordan’s vision also includes expanding the Wunda business to a home model where clients can get a great workout experience without attending Live classes in their studios. The innovative, WundaCore Resistance Ring, helps clients feel more and enables them to access their smaller muscles. “I knew I wanted to serve more people with deep, connected movement and that is how the WundaCore Resistance Ring was developed,” says Amy. The ring is a substitute for a skilled trainer’s hands that align your position properly and activate muscles. The tension loaded ring gives feedback throughout your entire workout which perfectly organizes your body. The WundaCore Resistance Ring is strong, but flexible, and curves to help find a deep core workout in every exercise.

Amy on her tribe:

“They called themselves ‘Amy’s Angels,’ and it was an outpouring of friendships, professional colleagues, clients and parents from my kids’ schools. They took care of every logistical detail, got me to and from treatments and my staff kept things humming.

Amy on launching new products:

“After battling cancer, work was a welcome distraction. It helped me feel normal but I struggled physically. During my treatments, I shot a couple of workout videos without any hair on my head. It was brutal!”

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