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How This Pregnancy Nurse Is Bringing Prenatal Education to Your Couch

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Hilary Erickson wanted to be a nurse since she was in high school. “I was 16 in my physiology class, and I just thought it encompassed everything I wanted to know about. So, I went to college. I got a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. I started working in pediatrics, geriatrics, then hospice.” In 2001, she moved to San Jose, California and started in labor and delivery, a department she worked in for 20 years.

In 2005, she started her website Pulling Curls: Pregnancy and Home Life Untangled. She decided to create the “Online Prenatal Class for Couples” when she saw couples who wanted prenatal education, but couldn’t fit it into their schedules. Her course covers everything from how to communicate with your provider, third-trimester testing, how to know if you’re in labor, when you should call the hospital, what you should call your doctor for and more.

Erickson sat down with Jessica Abo to talk about the benefits of prenatal education and shared three things people should know before giving birth.

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