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Leading with Confidence

In times of uncertainty, we often look to our real estate leaders to make predictions with confidence.

How are rising interest rates and a downturn in the stock market going to impact the luxury property market? What about geopolitical events like the Ukraine war, China’s COVID lockdowns, energy prices, or climate change? Will the insatiable seller’s market of the last few years transition into a balanced or a buyer’s market? It is a complex and moving picture of our present moment. Predictions don’t come easy to anyone ­– not even a luxury real estate leader with an 89-year legacy that has experienced a real estate cycle or two!

Of course, the difficulty in forecasting hasn’t prevented the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® team from looking for ideas to help our Luxury Property Specialists and their clients manage an uncertain future.

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One of those ideas is an incredible resource we’ve developed for the first time. Simply called “The Trend Report” and meant to be a companion piece to our annual “The Report,” this valuable, data-driven source of content is just weeks away from being released to the world!

For The Trend Report, we offer a perspective on real estate with a big-picture lens.

While our focus often tends to shift to short-term concerns during uncertain times, it’s important to keep a long-term view. We consulted with a range of experts who helped us identify several major trends expected to redefine high-end real estate for 2022, but also for the next several years. Our hope is that Luxury Property Specialists can use these trends to help their clients chart their next real estate moves and make decisions for the future. We want to help them navigate the waters of uncertainty with stability and confidence. Whether the world is at war or at peace; whether the economy is growing or shrinking; or whether we are in a buyer’s market or seller’s market, there is also confidence in knowing that a blue-chip brand like Coldwell Banker – who has been around since 1906 – is behind them.

I can’t wait to share The Trend Report with you!

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