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The Most Important Hour of the Day for Entrepreneurs Isn’t What You’d Think

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Leading a business can be difficult and life-consuming, from the time the alarm clock rings until your head hits the pillow. A leader’s day can be filled with solving problems, overcoming issues and making tough decisions. Many leaders are unprepared for what it takes to lead a business well.

One hour is more essential to the leader than others for the leader to maintain energy, focus and effectiveness. That hour consists of two thirty-minute blocks of time, one in the morning and one at the end of the day.

That hour should be filled with inspirational reading, time reflecting, capturing ideas and focused thinking. All of which will help the leader grow in their understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. Small habits can have a big impact on a leader and on the organization that they lead.

Related: Time Management Hacks That Very Successful People Practice Daily

Developing a motivating morning routine

The leader’s first 30 minutes of the day is one of the most critical blocks of time. Many make the mistake of checking emails, looking at the news or reviewing social media as one of the first habits of the day. These actions will often have one respond to the emergencies of others rather than working on their priorities. The above activities can also drain the leader’s energy rather than give them the power to start the day with effectiveness and focus.

Here is a powerful morning routine process that will help any leader start the day with the right frame of mind:

  • 10 minutes reading motivational and inspiring content
  • Four minutes meditating on a life principle or thought
  • 10 minutes writing their thoughts and ideas in a journal
  • Four minutes reviewing their top priorities of the day
  • Two minutes repeating a fundamental affirmation for the day

Related: 10 Time Management Tips That Work

Developing an engaging evening routine

The last 30 minutes of the day are also essential for the life of a leader. How one finishes a day can determine how well they sleep and how effectively they prepare for the next day. Many leaders struggle with getting good sleep, which will show up in their energy level, decision-making and attitudes towards their peers over time. Developing an effective end-of-the-day routine can be essential to leading a business well. The right last 30 minutes of every day can give the leader peace, focus and energy to grow their passion and vision for their organization.

Here is a process for an engaging evening routine that will help any leader end the day with the right frame of mind:

  • 10 minutes reading thoughtful and peaceful content
  • Four minutes reviewing their breakthroughs or wins of the day
  • 10 minutes writing their thoughts and ideas in a journal
  • Four minutes establishing their top goals for the next day
  • Two minutes practicing their listening by being quiet and silent

This 10-4-2 model for morning and evening routines can change the life of a leader. The proper morning and evening routine will help them gain momentum, grow energy and gain wisdom to lead themselves and their team even in the most challenging times.

Related: 9 Rules for Successful Time Management

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