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The Rock was in Mexico to inaugurate his second tequila distillery

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

The Rock was in Mexico! Specifically in the town of Jesús María, Jalisco and his visit has a very clear objective: to inaugurate his second tequila distillery . The actor uploaded a photo to his Instagram profile where he is seen in an agave field, leaning on a pick-up.

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“I did not build this company with my founding partners to make a quick buck and capitalize on the popularity of tequila,” explains the actor in the caption of the post. No. I built Teremana to become a LEGACY BRAND that positively impacts generations of our families and proudly serves generations of our consumers.”

The brand is called Teremana and it is one of the personal projects that Dwayne Johnson has worked on for years. The drink was launched on the market in March 2020 after the actor partnered with entrepreneurs Danny García, Jenna Fagan and Ken Austin , all three with extensive experience in the alcoholic beverage market. The name means “earth spirit” and combines the Latin terms “tere” (earth) and Polynesian “mana” (spirit), which is where the Johnson family comes from.

During his visit, The Rock visited the facilities of the second distillery accompanied by Jenna Fagan, who serves as CEO of the company. In another post, the actor explained: “As we build our huge second TEREMANA DISTILLERY, we build these huge fermentation tanks where we take our liquid through a crucial stage of production. Our tequila is the cleanest tequila in the world, so our Teremana has a very clean, crisp and delicious flavor profile.”

To create the business, Johnson and his colleagues partnered with a Mexican family (the Lopezes) who had been growing agave and making tequila for years.

The product is currently available in three versions: white tequila, reposado tequila and aged tequila, which are distributed mainly in the United States and Canada. According to Johnson, Teremana is the fastest growing tequila in the world. The distribution is done by the German company Mast-Jägermesiter.

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