Today influencers are part of the media scene in any country and it is no surprise that there are parties and politicians interested in using their reach to call for votes and spread an ideology. Of course, as long as this is not done during the electoral closed period. In Mexico, just before the elections on June 6 (in which citizens voted to elect 15 governors and the renewal of the Chamber of Deputies), a large number of celebrities used their networks to show their support for the Green Ecologist Party. of Mexico (PVEM) despite the fact that the National Electoral Institute (INE) had established the electoral ban period from June 3 to 6.

Although at the time the influencers defended themselves arguing that they had the right to express themselves freely, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power (TEPJF) issued sanctions to the different personalities for having expressed their support for the political party. Today the Political Animal site announced the fines that each of them must pay.
The list is made up of 76 personalities , including actors, actresses, singers and television hosts. The fines range from $4,000 to $133,000 pesos, in addition to the publication of a post on the networks where the propaganda was made, with the following text: “Through a message that I broadcast on this social network, I violated the election law. The expressions of my publication were illegal, as they constituted electoral propaganda for the benefit of a political party in a period in which it was prohibited by law . The text must remain online for 30 calendar days.
Among the celebrities fined are:
- Gabriel Soto, actor ($133,437 pesos)
- Barbara de Regil, actress ($86,850 pesos)
- Laura G, driver ($50,640 pesos)
- Grettell Valdez, actress ($45,151 pesos)
- Michael Ronda, actor ($42,180 pesos)
- Sherlyn González, actress ($28,092 pesos)
- Lambada Garcia, driver ($21,254 pesos)
- Mónica Noguera, driver ($16,874 pesos)
- Celia Lora, singer and actress ($11,570 pesos)
The amount of the sanctions corresponds to the earnings of each of them.
For its part, the PVEM was awarded a fine of $40 billion pesos and the suspension of all radio and television broadcasts for one year.