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This $120 Learning Bundle Gives You Thousands of Hours of Expert Instruction to Give to Your Employees

1677639930 ENT TheUltimateLifetimeBundleofStackSkillsInfosec4TCStoneRiver

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How you motivate your employees may factor into their loyalty to your business. Up to 55% of employee engagement is driven by non-financial recognition. Opportunities like extra job training may lower your employee turnover, and you may even be able to give your employees the tools to train themselves.

This Ultimate Lifetime Bundle features StackSkills, Infosec4TC, and Stone River subscriptions. These are three expansive learning resources with thousands of hours of expert instruction on various professional skills and engaging hobbies. Typically, this subscription could cost $13,994, but you can get it for $119.99.

Each learning platform has a different catalog of courses for users to explore. For example, StackSkills has a library of over 1,000 courses on topics that include Excel training and project management. So if you see management potential in an employee, you could even direct them to courses that would help them cultivate those skills and catch up on the best practices in Lean Six Sigma. Plus, more courses are added monthly, so there’s always something new to learn.

Stone River gives users access to another set of 800+ courses with an IT and cybersecurity focus. Employees can explore classes on web design, app design, programming, and more. If you want to cultivate new employees to fill an IT niche, they could become certified through Stone River courses.

Infosex4TC is a 90-course cybersecurity training regimen that also gives learners dedicated resources for exam practice and connecting to a community of students. These rigorous courses could prepare an employee for a new, higher position while keeping your business secure from hackers and prying third parties.

Help your workers grow. Get the Ultimate Lifetime Bundle of StackSkills, Infosec4TC, and Stone River on sale for $119.99 (reg. $13,994).

Prices subject to change.

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